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Learn more9:00amTuesday
What’s happening in the local area, Traffic, Train and other Travel news. Poking fun at social media posts and occasionally him jumping on his soap box and having a good moan about stuff! Can be a grumpy old man at times!
Learn more11:00amTuesday
Join Pete Smith for your packed lunch every Tuesday 11am-2pm A great mix of music, chat and a lunchtime quiz 10 questions at 12 and 10 more at 1. Pens at the ready!
Learn more2:00pmTuesday
A trip through the Afternoon Chilled listening plus 2@2 – 3@3 and 2 New Tracks 15:15 – Wide Range of music from 1950’s up to date
Learn more4:00pmTuesday
Learn more6:00pmTuesday
Your tea time recipe of friendly banter mixed in with local events and a sprinkling of music not forgetting to stir your brain with his mystery sound. 2 hours of Bits and pieces for you to savour in relaxation mode
Learn more8:00pmTuesday
Anthony Taylor Tony T for short Being born in the 60’s I was brought up with the sound of reggae blue beat and ska. In the late 70’s I really got into rival ska scene with the like of The Specials Bad Manners and the beat and many more. Over the years my love for reggae and ska has just got massive and want to bring to you.. Join me every Tuesday 8pm – 10pm for the One Love Show..
Learn more10:00pmTuesday
If it’s Tuesday and it’s 10pm it’s time for Jukebox 30! Featuring the very best in music from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s mixed with interesting facts about the artists and music. Oh not to mention the bad dad jokes and singing! (I did say not to mention!) In 1977 I picked up a microphone for the very first time and DJ’d! I was fortunate enough to own a mobile disco and learnt my trade finally throwing in the towel in around 1998. Skip forward 21 years I then found Beat Route Radio – hallelujah
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