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Learn more9:00amWednesday
What’s happening in the local area, Traffic, Train and other Travel news. Poking fun at social media posts and occasionally him jumping on his soap box and having a good moan about stuff! Can be a grumpy old man at times!
Learn more11:00amWednesday
Join Russ Smith for a 3 hour weekly dive into some of the finest music. Great tunes from accross the years, from the swinging 60's, Glam 70's, the synth sounding 80's, britpop of the 90's, the 2000 indie bands and even some newer artists he has discovered. Featuring a time machine trip every week at 12pm to a random year where we remeber a great year through music.
Learn more2:00pmWednesday
A trip through the Afternoon Chilled listening plus 2@2 – 3@3 and 2 New Tracks 15:15 – Wide Range of music from 1950’s up to date
Learn more4:00pmWednesday
Learn more6:00pmWednesday
Wednesdays 6-8pm for a wide variety of new and classic progressive rock and rock from around the world featuring artists from around the world, with a Discord Server for the show to enable listeners to comment during the live show and `chat’ with featured artists and other listeners. Tune in and join me!
Learn more8:00pmWednesday
Two hours of new music – mixed with a little bit of the weird and wonderful goings on in the world – is what to expect from The Redders Show! Featuring the Anagram Game, Tune of the Week and much more!
Learn more10:00pmWednesday
Brace yourselves for what was once labelled as, “Mik’s take on radio.” Not intended as a compliment, but certainly taken as one, Mik’s madness continues to this day. Difficult to define what goes on, but one thing’s for certain, Mik’s letter sack brings all the listeners to the yard.
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